Portfolio > JML - PLOGS

"A Parting Immersion"
June 2015, Mobile Arts Council, Blue Room
Opening Reception during 2nd Friday Loda-ArtWalk

Lighting the Way

Handing a child a crayon
There is no doubt--

That the picture was done
Just right-- Perfection

And when I meet adults
They need a little liqueur

To forget how to take care
Of business-- forget about it!

Have you seen the purple
Streaking the garden--

Or even the pink light hovering
All around and that orange

With lavender affirmation
The royal opal blue light

Enchanting delphinium
To really see and know

Means you know nothing
And remain willing.

We slew the dragon--
Crashed the tower--
And now we break the wheel--

We end the cycle of despair
We are all the same--

Remaining willing
With love.

Xoxo. JML

She Belongs to Me
Bob Dylan

Yardscape, Starkville, Thurmond Thought #1/6-series 3
Oil on birch ply, 8x8", 2003
East Lee Blvd, Starkville, MS
Jean-Marie Lee


Posted: Saturday, May 30, 2015