Portfolio > JML - PLOGS

Hibiscus on the Rocks
Digital Photo, Jean-Marie Lee, 2023

JML-PLOGS poetic commentary is below

Chaos Theory

Is anyone interested in saying—
Climate Change and
Chaos Theory?

Clearly, we can’t do being prepared—
We keep failing miserably—
And all that denial…

Is anyone else thinking—
These people in denial are
Dealing with grief?

I don’t care about your politics.
I don’t care about your money.
I don’t care about your feelings.

What is happening is people are dying.
What is happening is people are homeless.
What is happening is destroying our planet.

Is anyone interested in saying
Anti-intellectualism and
Social engagement?

Clearly, impetus is necessary for education—
So, we’re not sure how to motivate—
A bunch of dawdling whiners who want to fight?

Is anyone else thinking—
These people— angry, ready to fight are
Dealing with grief?

I don’t care about your politics.
I don’t care about your money.
I don’t care about your feelings.

What is happening is people are being born.
What is happening is people are hungry.
What is happening is destroying our society.

Who cares for the unwanted children?
Who cares for the orphans?
Who cares for the homeless?
Who cares for the exploited?

Or do you prefer the words marginalized, minority, unhoused, underprivileged, underrepresented, underserved—

Yet, you say a lot about these people
with research, legal codes, mandates, titles, award speeches, films and books—

You take a toll, count the harvest, throw another coin in your own coffer as if the job is ever done—

Then because of all the complaining, mulling, failure to make a decision and act in advance we see history repeating itself.

That’s chaos theory. You think it’s anarchy because you think you are in control and have a good idea. It’s chaos theory because “very small changes in the starting position of a chaotic system make a big difference after a while.”

like Duh… adding in error margins will
add up over time.


Didn’t Know My Own Strength
Whitney Houston

Chaos Theory

These media references about 9/11 and
Hurricane Katrina explain the importance of
looking back at history to create a plan for
security, survival, and resilience.

Five Days at Memorial

On My Watch: A Memoir

What Happened to You

Stations of the Cross pdf

Divine Mercy pdf

Chaplet of Saint Michael pdf

How to pray the rosary pdf

Saint Monica

Saint Augustine

The Life of Saint Monica


Plog Post: Thursday, August 17, 2023