Portfolio > Songs I Sing in the Shower

Whistle while you TWERK
Whistle while you TWERK

Being Untitled 12022015
Ink on paper, Jean-Marie Lee

PLOGS BELOW (JML's Poetic Commentary)

Whistle while you TWERK

Just whistle while you TWERK
Putt out the butt
And bop around

Whistle along
Hum a merry song
Whistle while you TWERK

Just do your best
Then take a rest

Twerking to the song

Don't think too much
Don't let anyone bother you
Remember to forget

Do and be
All smiley

Whistle while you TWERK
Put out the butt
And start to bop

Just whistle while you TWERK

a JML-Studio parody of
Disney's song Whistle While You Work

Plog Post: Tuesday, December 2, 2015